Super Sparkly Crystal Oracle Deck

If you love sparkly crystals (and less-sparkly ones too), but don’t know much about them, this gorgeous deck can help you out—or just serve as an excellent oracle deck if you’re looking for quick notes from the universe. You say you’ve taken a vow of poverty, but keep accidentally getting rich? Well, strip off all that malachite and fool’s gold (looks great tho) and see what the cards recommend. A helpful guidebook explains the properties of 50 unique crystals and describes in gleaming detail what each might bring into your life—clarity, abundance, and love just a stone’s throw away! Ugh, I know. The dad jokes are a compulsion. A bit of lapis may help…?

The incomparable Elisa Werbler crafted each stone against lustrous backgrounds until they nearly tumbled out of the box, incessantly refining her technique throughout the process to build stunning educational illustrations unlike any I’ve seen before. What a treat!

Product photography © Knock Knock