Let Go of That Shit: Anxiety / Overthinking

Do you have totally reasonable fears like being invited to a party, or accidentally having to talk to a delivery person because you opened the door too quickly and they were still on the porch? Or maybe you fear being trapped under a fallen tree and having no choice but to ask someone for help even though you should be strong enough to do everything by yourself? Yeah I get it! But like, it’s unhealthy—stop. These small books with terribly, hilariously relatable illustrations by the unstoppable Scotsman Peter Arkle will help to reassure you that many/most of us feel just as you do, and it’s ok to feel that way! And also to let go of feeling that way! Which is the option I would recommend (when you get there). Just write down the burdensome habit you wish to release in the page corner, tear it out, and destroy it. Bam, you are free. Wow, you look 5 years younger!

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